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If you are new to the Aptos blockchain, begin with these tutorials before you get into in-depth development. These tutorials will help you become familiar with how to develop for the Aptos blockchain using the Aptos SDK.

Your First Transaction​

How to generate, submit and verify a transaction to the Aptos blockchain.

Your First NFT​

Learn the Aptos token interface and how to use it to generate your first NFT. This interface is defined in the token.move Move module.

Your First Coin​

Learn how to deploy and manage a coin. The coin interface is defined in the coin.move Move module.

Your First Fungible Asset​

Learn how to deploy and manage a fungible asset. The fungible asset interface is defined in the fungible_asset.move Move module.

Your First Move Module​

Write your first Move module for the Aptos blockchain.

Your First Dapp​

Learn how to build your first dapp. Focuses on building the user interface for the dapp.

Your First Multisig​

Learn how to perform assorted operations using K-of-N multi-signer authentication.